Course curriculum

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    2. Consent Form & Waiver

    3. Consent Form & Waivers

    4. FAQ

    1. Monthly Schedule

    1. Monthly Schedule

    1. Monthly Schedule

    1. 12 Minute Somatic Breathwork

    2. 7 Minute Body Scan to Release Tension & Holding

    3. EFT Tapping ~ Taking Up Space & Being Heard

    4. 60 Minute ~ Somatic Movement Exploration

    5. 1:25 Minute~ Somatic Movement & Yoga Nidra

    6. 18 Minute ~ Somatic Release for Anger & Frustration

About this course

  • $44.44 / month
  • 13 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today